A great bit of advice I read somewhere is to use construction paper as a background when shooting flowers. For this shot, I put the camera on a tripod (very low to the ground) and held a blue folder in the background, far enough away that it would be blurred. I tried a few different colors, but ended up liking blue the best against the orange tiger lily. Another
happy accident led to the picture below. I set up the tripod, looked through the viewfinder, only to find that I was way too close. But then I realized there was something very interesting in just isolating the lily's filaments (I think that's what they're called!). I guess this is all an attempt to follow scripture.
Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin; yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.--Jesus (Matthew 6:28)
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