Today I'm showing students in my Digital Photography class at Milligan how to make poster frames in Photoshop. It's a great way to display your work, add a quote or a title - and plus, they make very nice Christmas gifts! This is a photo of Milligan student Ben Taylor that I took this summer on the South Holston River. Ben and
Frank are teaching a house course this spring at Milligan on Fly Fishing. In case you're not familiar with house courses...A house course gives students the opportunity to teach a one-credit hour course under the supervision of a professor -- the students taking the course do so on a pass/fail basis (no grades). However, the student teaching the course gets 2 credit hours and an actual grade. It's a wonderful concept -- the students who teach gain experience and a deeper knowledge of their subject -- and their students in turn get the opportunity to explore unique subjects. Besides Fly Fishing, this semester's list of house courses includes: Practical Photography, Serving in Brokenness, Art History: Step by Step, From Milligan to the Medical Field, and Basic Automotive Mechanics.
here for a step-by-step tutorial on making presentation frames. Another tutorial
here and
here for beginner guides to fly fishing!
The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.--William Arthur Ward (American scholar, author, editor, pastor and teacher)
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