If you're looking extend your hike, you can take the "moderately difficult" Daniel Ridge Loop Trail to the upper falls, described here.
Directions: From the intersection of N.C. Route 280 and U.S. Routes 64 and 275 outside of Brevard turn north on Route 276 and drive for 5.2 miles, take a left onto F.R. 475 and drive 3.9 miles to a large parking area on your right, immediate after you cross over the Davidson River. Park here. Once on the trail, you'll immediately cross over an impressive bridge, soon after you'll come to a fork in the road, turn right. The grade of this trail is gentle for a reason - it was once a railroad bed. Continue on this trail for 0.4 miles to the falls, which will be on your left (immediately before you get to the falls, you'll pass by the Daniel Ridge Loop Trail on your left). The best place to 'take it all in' is from the trail, but you can also take a side trail that leads up to the falls. Total distance to the falls: less than 1/2 mile.
Mark, You got a GREAT shot of this waterfall!! As beautiful as this fall is, I've never been able to get a good shot of it.