--Stanley Horowitz
If you've followed this blog for any length of time, you've noticed that I like quotes. I find them to be not only thoughtful and inspirational, but also helpful -- because I don't always feel like I have a whole lot to say! Finding an appropriate quote makes me think about the connections between the photograph and other aspects of life. For example, tonight I started searching for quotes on 'diversity' to go with this photo, and then, not finding anything that really seemed to fit, I went to my not-so-creative fallback choice of searching for 'autumn color.' But hey, I tried. And the quote above fits pretty well. Although I'm not sure who Stanley Horowitz is. I like that on many websites containing quotes, the same two very diverse quotes are attributed to him (finally, I come full circle back to my original thought of 'diversity!') And I actually like the second one much better, although it has zero to do with this photo...
“Nothing lowers the level of conversation more than raising the voice."
I very much like your pairing of quotes with photographs. Keep up the good work.